Join us for a fishing competition on Saturday 6 July and Sunday 7 July 2024.


Entrance Fee: FREE ! All competitors will be considered as a senior for this event.
Registration: Competitors will need to register their intention to participate via the
Exe Regatta website : . All registered competitors will become
Temporary Members of SFCC for the duration of the competition only.

Start & Fishing times: Start 07.00 – Finish 17.00

Weigh In: Competitors may weigh and record their catch at the Brunel Tower, Starcross between
17.00 and 18.00 hrs each day. Exceptions to this Rule will be at the Fishing Secretaries discretion

THE CLUB BAR WILL BE OPEN TO ALL COMPETITORS and the winner will be announced in the Bar on Sunday Evening 7 July at 19.30.
Awards: One angler can only take one prize.
Boats: All participating boat owners / skippers are responsible for the safety of their vessel. They
must ensure that their boats are seaworthy, and that they are competent to fish in the prevailing
weather conditions. Each boat must be adequately insured, carry appropriate safety equipment,
and not be overloaded.

Please complete the form below to enter.

Please click on the link below to see the Fishing Competition General Information and Rules document.

Exe Regatta Fishing Competition – General Information 2024

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